Saturday, July 4, 2009

LSE to drop maker rebate in favour of "balanced" fee

The London Stock Exchange (LSE) will introduce a new pricing schedule for trading on its UK order books from 1 September, abolishing the rebate for providing liquidity it introduced on the same date last year.

The LSE said the new charges will balance the charges applicable to each side of a transaction and substantially lower the thresholds for volume discounts, meaning that a greater number of firms should benefit from incentives.

Under the new schedule, the LSE will charge 0.45 basis points per trade for the first £2.5 billion of value traded, 0.40 bps for the next £2.5 billion, 0.30 bps for the next £5 billion and 0.20bps for all subsequent value traded. The charge for SETS Internaliser trades, which do not incur post-trade costs, is 0.10 bps.

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